Erin Heger

Erin Heger



Health and wellness, parenting, mental health


University of Kansas



Erin is a Kansas City-based freelance journalist whose parenting and health writing has appeared in numerous publications. Erin has more than five years of experience writing about health and wellness topics, including maternal mental health and postpartum health. Prior to freelancing full-time, Erin worked in health care advocacy helping uninsured and under-insured populations access health care.


Erin has a Bachelor's Degree in journalism and a Bachelor's Degree in political science from the University of Kansas

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Verywell Mind, a Dotdash Meredith Brand, is an award-winning, trusted, and compassionate online resource that provides the guidance you need to improve your mental health and find balance. We take a human approach to health and wellness, and reach more than 150 million readers annually. Verywell Mind content is fact checked and reviewed by our Review Board for accuracy and integrity. Learn more about us and our editorial process.

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