Comments on: Ransomware for Hire: 3 Steps to Keeping Your Data Safe Straight-talking security advice from the Malware Experts Fri, 18 Nov 2022 12:19:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: TVMan Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:08:00 +0000 In reply to Chiron.

:-) Hello, Chiron. I have several external drives as well but in drive docks I use to back up, even the same files I keep on my flash drives. I’m a believer you can’t have important stuff you don’t want to lose backed up too many times. Also, I NEVER leave any of the external drives run when not in use. We all know the longevity of even the best HDD can be very short.

By: Chiron Fri, 15 Jan 2016 12:50:00 +0000 In reply to Rocky Harris.

I just invested € 84.99 in a 2TB external USB-3 drive (Toshiba) that fits easily in a pocket. To get the same capacity in pen-drives it would take 16 of them (the128GB kind) for about 5 times as much money.
My wife is a picture-taking nut too, you know… ;-)

By: Rocky Harris Thu, 14 Jan 2016 20:11:00 +0000 Anytime, anything of importance, something you cannot or don’t want to lose, you back it up immediately. Not a week down the road.

For the past 6 months or so, WalMart has had SanDisk USB flash drives almost dirt cheap. 64 & 128gb drives. The 64 is less than $15 and the 128 is under $30. Everything of importance to us is on these type of drives. You can also find them very cheap at Newegg & Best Buy.

I keep all my favorite programs on these USB drives. If I need to do a reformat for whatever reason, it makes the job a lot quicker and easier. My wife is a picture taking nut. Every photo we have ever taken in the past 10 years is on these drives. As of now, I’ve never had one of these drives fail.

I’m not going to say being hit by one of these Ransomware bugs will never happen to us, but if it does, we won’t lose anything other than time spent restoring our computer.

By: Flavia Auditore da Firenze Thu, 14 Jan 2016 18:47:00 +0000 Just FYI, SpyHunter is a pretty shady software. I would not use it.

If you need personal assistance with removing unwanted things, I suggest that you go to the forum and seek help in “Help, my PC is infected!” section. There will be instructions for you to clean things up.

By: Ravana Brahma Rakshas Wed, 13 Jan 2016 02:38:00 +0000 Hi. I like to see, support people of the emiSoft read this and answer here. Heuston, we have a problem here. this is what happened today and still not resolved. (1) – I saw chrome is going to a russian search site. investigated, saw that this DOOMED virus changed settings of chrome and locked it and does not let me remove it. (this thins: first sputnik blah blah) ……… (2) – I INSTALLED THIS GUY ( SpyHunter ) it found 701 malware and spy and stuff. (3) – I checked with microsfot virus scanner that I downloaded instantly, it wasted over one hour of scanning and told me this (NO VIRUS) — duh… I sent a very offensive email to some support gang of microsopft. go and sell potato and do not make virus scanner ……………… (4)- I installed EmiSoft – it gave me 260 virus report. It cleaned them and restarted…. still that first (sputnik) is in the chrome……………….. (5)- I checked again with (SpyHunter) after EmiSoft said all are gone, spyhunter found another 241 virus and stuff ……………. DUH….. this is my theory: SpyHunter ITSELF installs spy and malware and then gives you report ……………..AND I witnessed EmiSoft did not remove (sputnik) ………………second theory/question: WHOM I TRUST? certainly microsoft thing is LEMON…. spyhunter is UNTRUSTWORTHY and EmiSoft is eh…. at least, incompetent…… NO SOLUTION YET…. I GO WRESTLING WITH THIS NONSENSE VIRUS GANGS MORE…. IF I FIX THIS THING, i REPORT HERE. IF YOU HAVE SOLUTION, APPRECIATED.

By: Cat Tilley Wed, 13 Jan 2016 01:53:00 +0000 I’ve been telling users on forums, including this blog, for years, to backup their computers on a regular basis, have recovery media sets/other media for reinstall, for years. And to keep one’s personal data OFF of their ‘C’ drive. Transfer to a external, flash drive, optical disc, and remove it.

While Emsisoft offerings are a frontline protection against the evil Malware distributors, no solution is bulletproof, if there were such an app, only the wealthy would be secured.

Backup has to also be considered frontline protection, yet it’s hard to imagine in the year 2016 when backup drives are at all time lows per/GB, the usage of these are barely higher than the turn of the millennium. This has to change, along with taking security seriously, given the number of XP computers still in use that further compounds the issue, the threat is very great.

Do what’s right now! Make a plan of action to back & take security seriously, otherwise be prepared to deal with the consequences of not doing so.

