Comments on: The Hacking Team, RCS, Qatif Today, and Lawful Interception Malware Straight-talking security advice from the Malware Experts Sun, 20 Aug 2017 07:12:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: agen casino Sun, 20 Aug 2017 07:12:32 +0000 agen casino

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By: You Are Being Tracked Online By A Sneaky New Technology Wed, 23 Jul 2014 13:34:27 +0000 […] are being tracked. 3) it is fairly simple to decipher who is using a computer out of a household 4) The Hacking Team, RCS, Qatif Today, and Lawful Interception Malware | Emsisoft Blog and to add the be sure it is VERY clear of the fact that EVERY single thing you have ever done , […]

By: ashley Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:46:00 +0000 This was very informative. Well written and reasonably accessible to the lay person. Thank you!

By: LodeHere Wed, 09 Jul 2014 06:55:00 +0000 In reply to qazwiz.

On top of using Emsisoft Anti-Malware and the Online Armor firewall I always surf in a virtual space which gets emptied when I close my browser. Only what I choose to save gets transferred to my hard drive, the rest is gone.

The program can be used for free, but upgrading to the paid version lets you have it do a few things automatically which makes it a bit easier, even though both offer the same protection.

This works so well that some users of it don’t even have any anti-malware on their machines, but the developer does not recommend that because sporadically a malware appears that is capable of escaping the virtual space -the sanbox as it is called- and gets on your hard disk anyway. But rarely, and he always finds a solution to it. It might happen a few times a year that such a particular malware appears, so chances that you get infected by just that particular malware out of the zillion are nearly nil. But just to make sure he recommends using anti-malware anyway,

The program -which I have used for some 8 years now, always having kept my laptops clean- is called Sandboxie. They have a very helpful and active forum as well.

Check it out: Sandboxie.

By: qazwiz Wed, 09 Jul 2014 02:25:00 +0000 the liberal says “Outlaw it, a few trampled rights are worth it” the conservative “My rights are paramount… trample others before you trample me.”

but what does the law breaker say?…. and this applies equally to any “My rights vs Public safety” argument be it internet safety gun safety or even Nuclear arms…

does he quiver in his boots “Oh no, I can’t illegally use this gun/bomb/malware anymore for my illegal desires” or does he say “GOOD, now no one can stop me from using my illegal gun/bomb/malware because to overpower/overpower/detect me is illegal”

Just as gun laws only prevent law abiding citizens from using guns… laws against malware will have no effect on the status quo, criminals who already cannot legally own a gun use them in their crimes (posted no gun areas are actually saying “come rob us, we cannot protect ourselves without going to jail longer than you will go IF you are caught. we WILL be caught but you got a 80% chance of getting away with robbing and even harming us”) and the only way to get evidence against malware users is that very malware that if illegal will mean only law breakers will have the tools needed to catch the law breakers

now the way it is implimented has a great deal to be desired but because it is a moral issue, a mind set issue, we need to go to a time when the dollar wasn’t the get out of jail card that it is today. when integrity meant something and cronyism was nonexistent. there was a time when a committee would say, look there – that is a person we would like to lead our country!… George Washington was offered to be King of the United States of America… but his own integrity prevented him from accepting. now days offer a politician $100 thousand dollars and you got his ear… unless that politician already has way more than you are offering… thus the reason that millionaires are such a threat to the political machine…. you cant bribe a billionaire with a couple million dollars

we should be looking for integrity instead of new laws. we need leaders with a moral compass not new laws that law breakers are already breaking. Don’t ask me to be your leader, I’m so on the verge of saying let them kill each other. the only good perv is a dead perv. and so many other cliches

but i say give everyone the malware and then tell me how many people will be able to get away with using it for nefarious reasons!

By: qazwiz Wed, 09 Jul 2014 01:40:00 +0000 In reply to WhyMeLord.

of course not

By: WhyMeLord Tue, 08 Jul 2014 18:17:00 +0000 he question comes: Does Emsisoft applications detect, report and remove this malware?

By: Elle Tue, 08 Jul 2014 17:08:00 +0000 Right. And “the bad guys” will never get nukes either….

By: Legend Tue, 01 Jul 2014 10:18:00 +0000 Thank you for this very well written Blog article. This subject is truly materiale to fuel a paranoia. You ask ” Is malware still malware if it’s used by legal authorities to track down criminals? ” For those who have never heard, or thought about the word malware, then a definition could sound like this ” malware refers to software designed to damage or do other unwanted actions on a computer system “. Some will argue that, the end justifies the means, but the really troubling issue is, as you also has mentioned in your Blog Stan, that it is extremely hard to control that such refined malware is only used to track down bad guys, when it is released in the wild ( The wild = the multiple connection on the internet ). Or sold to those who seems to have good intentions. How can you truly know a buyers true intentions ? Even if the sign, beautifully crafted contracts with the right words? But the first important steps is already taken, and that is to release such a subject to open debate, for the public. Now we just have to shout high enough for the politicians to hear is. Silence moves nothing. This hard and constantly push on privacy and security, will lead to growing wish for a new type of OS (Operating system) platforms, and security. Privacy will be a important sales vector in the future. Those companies who can see that, will be one step ahead of the pack. Number one is the man you always remember. Number two is just the man that came to late… =))
