Comments on: How to fix ‘Antimalware Service Executable’ high CPU usage Straight-talking security advice from the Malware Experts Fri, 02 Dec 2022 12:08:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wayne Gerald Fri, 23 Feb 2018 21:10:00 +0000 “Scroll down until “Exclusions” and click Add or remove exclusions. In the next screen, click on Add an extension”

I can’t find the option to “Add an extension”.

By: John Williams Sun, 18 Feb 2018 22:19:00 +0000 In reply to Piotr.

You are so wrong about that. ESET, Emisoft or Kaspersky are about the only three paid windows 10 AV’s that are any good. The rest are garbage. I work on 8 to 12 pc’s a day and I will usually just install defender on windows 8 or 10 or microsoft security essentials on windows 7 if the client want’s a free AV.. The rest slow your computer to a crawl… Defender may slow down some pc’s but in my experience it’s mainly Dell that experience this.

By: John Williams Sun, 18 Feb 2018 22:15:00 +0000 In reply to Snezhana Serebrennikov.

Malwarebytes free version doesn’t run in the background but can find problems that have already occurred. Defender and malwarebytes is all anyone needs for security on windows 10. The paid version of malwarebytes is only 39.95 a year. ESET nod 32 is another good AV at 39 a year.. Webroot, avast, norton, macafee, they are all garbage. I am a remote support tech and I always talk my clients into removing these as they cause more problems with performance then they help.

By: ellococareloco Tue, 13 Feb 2018 15:39:00 +0000 it does not work on windows 10

By: T-Berry Sat, 10 Feb 2018 21:16:00 +0000 In reply to birdwatcher.

Windows Defender typically has 4 different scheduled scans:
-Windows Defender Cache Maintenance
-Windows Defender Cleanup
-Windows Defender Scheduled Scan
-Windows Defender Verification.

When you get to the Windows Defender tab in Task Scheduler (following the above instructions), If the conditions fields are grayed out, you have to edit each schedule individually. Right click on the task in the top portion of the page [where it says Condition: Ready] and click Properties. There you can change the parameters of the tabs for each type of schedule.

Before following any of the advice in this article, I would allow Defender to complete whatever activity it is performing. I’ve found that running a full scan when I don’t need my computer is the best way to get it to smooth out. If people are interrupting the scans because it’s hogging resources, of course it will attempt to resume until it has completed.

Run a full scan, go to breakfast/lunch/dinner/or movie, THEN change the settings so that it skips already scanned folders that would normally take a long time (like where you have video files). I did this after upgrading to Win 10 and have never had Defender slow down my system. None of the default tasks is set to begin if idle. On the Conditions tab, put a check in the box for “Start the task only if idle for:” The default is 10 minutes, but you can set for 1, 5, 10, 15, or 30 minutes or 1 hour.

Recheck your settings after doing a big Windows Update, because many times the big updates will change some things back to their defaults.

By: Snezhana Serebrennikov Thu, 08 Feb 2018 04:22:00 +0000 In reply to Iskander Mitt.

Delete McAfee. It’s proven to slow down your computer. Actually, delete all of those. For basic internet use, all you need is malwarebytes (it’s free) and windows defender.

By: Chad 'adam' Green Tue, 30 Jan 2018 19:43:00 +0000 The thing is when you already have a slow computer like a intel pentium duial core processor with 2GB of DDR2 667MHZ Ram a 250GB 5400RPM HDD, That completely falls to its knees when you do even the most basic browsing on google, dont even ask about the complete freeze when you try opening pages at oncve, well anyway, yeh, when things take up 1.8GB of your 1.9GB of slow ddr2 ram, and you cant do anything else because of the slow old HDD, then a file which bullys your system is constantly running, then its nice to be able to disable memory and space hogging files such as windows defender, i’d rather just use a small but affective anti-virus instead.Its when people say Windows defender is good, which maybe true for your new 3rd 4th 5th or newer gen i5’s or i7’s with a 1TB HDD, and 8GB or more of speedy 2333MHZ DDR3 ram in your laptop. And the difference is vast, as the bad laptop i mention is my dads, and my laptop has a 3rd gen i5 in, with a cache 16GB M.2 SSD in it with 12GB of fast ram 1TB hdd at 7200RPM. And it is fine and so much quicker, milliseconds to do things compared to 25 seconds to just load an app or something small. The HDD goes to 100% the cpu is cranked up to 98% the ram is 1.8 of 1.9GB, it literally falls to its knees.So rant over, and that was me pointing out when people say windows defender is fine, and i say, YES for laptops desktops nthat can handle it!!!!

By: Daniel Pavitt Mon, 29 Jan 2018 18:14:00 +0000 I see big increase in Windows defender usage while I’m playing Overwatch, do you think there could be some kind of link there and a specific fix for that? Thanks – Dan

By: Umbra@Emsisoft Tue, 16 Jan 2018 01:24:00 +0000 In reply to birdwatcher.

Admin account is the one by default, so you seems to be on admin account.

By: birdwatcher Mon, 15 Jan 2018 16:45:00 +0000 In reply to Umbra@Emsisoft.

How do you get on with an admin account? I believe my system came with Windows 10 Home version and I have to log In with a password but was never offered an admin account. I don’t use a Microsoft account.

By: birdwatcher Mon, 15 Jan 2018 15:44:00 +0000 Hi Glad to finally find out what’s been slowing my system down to a crawl, but when I try to follow your instructions above all the options are grayed out and can’t be changed, and when I try to go to Windows Defender Security Center to do the exclusion, I get a blue screen with a shield on it and nothing else. Help!

By: Umbra@Emsisoft Fri, 05 Jan 2018 15:09:00 +0000 In reply to coolfeb shehnaz.

were you on admin account?
