Comments on: Spam email Emotet steals bank account credentials from German language users Straight-talking security advice from the Malware Experts Tue, 13 Jan 2015 08:13:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cat Tilley Sun, 11 Jan 2015 06:21:00 +0000 No financial institution is going to send such an email, any notices will be delivered by the local postal or mail service of the region.

It’s simply smart computing not to click onto such links, even to open & read. Mark them as spam or junk & delete.

“Your statement has been cancelled before we recorded contact with the bank.”

That’s an obvious red flag just by the way it’s worded. Statement cancelled? Oh, the crap folks fall for these days. Betcha anything that having Emsisoft Anti Malware installed would have intercepted this as what it is, SPAM!

I’ve had so called “PayPal Verification” emails, just mark as spam & go about my business.

Using a computer requires a generous dose of personal responsibility.
