Comments on: Computer Protection Software, made in: the world. Straight-talking security advice from the Malware Experts Fri, 18 Nov 2022 12:21:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: George Monroe Sat, 16 Dec 2017 19:03:00 +0000 In reply to John.

Waite, you’re mad because your friend didn’t get a job?
You’re being ridiculous not to mention you should be emailing and not putting this out in public.

By: Paulinha L Lopes Thu, 04 Aug 2016 13:05:00 +0000 Pra mim é o melhor anti vírus que ja ví e tive oportunidade de usar desde de 2009, fico feliz por conhecer um pouco do seu idealizador, parabéns a toda equipe Emsisoft.

By: Del Truax Wed, 03 Aug 2016 06:44:00 +0000 Emsisoft is a fine example of a modern company. Great product and real humans are available for service and support. I am through with companies who don’t respect their user base and offer only corporate disinterest and neglect. Best of luck for continued success.

By: wikilon Tue, 02 Aug 2016 09:24:00 +0000 I admire people like you, @emsisoft1:disqus. You inspire me to take actions toward living my dream, which is sustainable eco lifestyle, just like you have now. On the professional level I also love your story. You are humble and hard working guy, and you’re doing a perfect job for your consumers, which in turn are loyal to your service in the long run, and that is the right way to provide services and I love it. Thank you for sharing your life story with us. I wish you success in both your personal and professional life.
Cheers ;)

By: cat1092 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 22:11:00 +0000 Though I had been an Emsisoft user for years with their freebies, it wasn’t until 3-4 years ago when Newegg offered Emsisoft Anti Malware for $9.99 in a plain white paper sleeve with a license key (no retail box) & the only time I seen it on the site. Purchased two copies, my only regret was that I didn’t get my limit of five.

Because those two copies of EAM were the best $20 I’ve ever spent on software in my entire life. At first, I used the 30 days free trial to get 13 months, and when I seen how good EAM is, I kept coming back & still run EAM (or EIS on more powerful computers).

While the free Emsisoft Emergency Kit will clean up a computer & get one off the side of the road, there’s no active protection to keep one on the right path, and that’s where either EAM or EIS comes in. EEK cleans up, sometimes an extra scan or two with EAM will mop up any leftovers, especially on badly infected computers. One scan may not be enough.

One thing for sure, either choice, be it Emsisoft Anti Malware or Internet Security, will keep the unwanted PUP’s & other dangerous Malware away.

Don’t boot your computer without one or the other.;-)


By: rhondalea Fri, 29 Jul 2016 15:21:00 +0000 In reply to John.

But are you self-aware enough to comprehend the irony of your reply to me?

By: John Fri, 29 Jul 2016 12:11:00 +0000 In reply to cookedjacketpotato.

Fair point I guess.
Well, she can say what she likes…I’m just not insure enough to care or give a damn.

By: Slow to speak Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:35:00 +0000 Remarkable story! The following quotations emphasize my Emsisoft product choice and satisfying user experience: “It’s a full antivirus solution featuring the dual-scan-engine, surf protection and behavior blocking”, “strong in detection, light in scanning and everyday CPU use and easy to manage and configure”, “It’s crucial to act fast in this industry. Not only fast to react to new dangers and malware outbreaks, but in our response time to our customers”, and “Form follows function”.

Besides having a satisfying experience with Emsisoft Internet Security, I also try to follow the global computer/internet security field and its digital evolving market as close as possible.

That field includes afcourse Emsisoft’s competitors too and therefore I point to a ‘Next-Generation Endpoint Protection Software’ from a competitor company called SentinelOne, who’s Co-Founder and CEO Tomer Weingarten made the following claim while being interviewed by Nick Normille, Analyst at JMI Equity, I quote:

“The only 2 companies that are actually flat out saying they can replace the traditional AV are us and Cylance, and out of these 2, only we have both EDR functionality AND the prevention piece required to replace the AV and all of it is based on our own proprietary execution inspection engine for dynamic behavioral analysis”.

If they (SentinelOne) are truly a next generation innovative development in this field able to replace traditional AV, while offering better (more advanced) security measures ahead of advanced threats (known and unknown) than traditional AV including its competitors that have traditional AV embedded, than I pose the questions; how does Emsisoft anticipate on this development and how long will their sustainable Internet Security with traditional AV embedded hold its ground?

By: cookedjacketpotato Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:51:00 +0000 In reply to John.

This is an open discussion, John. Anyone is perfectly free to add comments. You have laid yourself open to them.

By: Christian Fri, 29 Jul 2016 08:11:00 +0000 In reply to John.

Well, the difference could be that there are not unlimited excellent candidates available on Earth. Unfortunately, without any details on who we are talking about, I’m unable to make any useful predictions here. But I can assure you that of all companies on earth, Emsisoft is one of the least who would ever discriminate anyone for any reasons. We clearly have no preferences for gender, ethnicity, color, country or religion.

We’re evaluating applications based on background/experience in the skills we are looking for. If a profile on the paper matches our needs, we continue with a personal interview and ultimately we may provide the opportunity to do a trial period to see if a candidate can keep up to the promised qualifications.

John, what you suggested in your earlier replies is that we should basically skip the first and the second step of the hiring process based on the fact that “they are good people and deserve a chance”. Sorry to disappoint you here, but hiring doesn’t work that way.

If you would like to learn more about it, feel free to write me an email, but I think the blog comments section isn’t the right place for that really.

By: John Fri, 29 Jul 2016 06:57:00 +0000 In reply to Christian.

Well, even if they do, who knows if they will get any closer next time if they didn’t make it this time. What would be different next time Christian?

By: John Fri, 29 Jul 2016 06:55:00 +0000 In reply to Vincent Dickie.

Look, I’m not blaming it all on Chrisitian. I just got sick and tired of two nice guys that can easily do that job they applied for with their eyes closed, and neither even got a chance to even prove themselves, thats all.
