ADHD Symptoms and Diagnosis What Does the 'ADHD Iceberg' Mean? Differentiating the visible and invisible symptoms of ADHD By Sanjana Gupta Sanjana Gupta Sanjana is a health writer and editor. Her work spans various health-related topics, including mental health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. Learn about our editorial process Updated on August 02, 2023 Learn more." tabindex="0" data-inline-tooltip="true"> Medically reviewed Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals. Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Learn more. by Claire Eggleston, LMFT-Associate Medically reviewed by Claire Eggleston, LMFT-Associate Claire Eggleston, LMFT-Associate is a neurodivergent therapist and specializes in and centers on the lived experiences of autistic and ADHD young adults, many of whom are also in the queer and disability communities. She prioritizes social justice and intertwines community care into her everyday work with clients. Learn about our Medical Review Board Print Paul Souders/Stone/Getty Images Table of Contents View All Table of Contents External Characteristics of ADHD Internal Experiences of ADHD ADHD Strengths Supporting Someone With ADHD Close An iceberg is a block of ice that floats on water. While the tip of the iceberg is visible above the surface, the majority of it remains hidden underwater. The ‘ADHD iceberg’ is a pictorial analogy that helps represent the experience of having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The external characteristics of ADHD that others can see are just the tip of the iceberg, while the internal experience of having ADHD is so much more than that. This analogy shows people how much ADHD affects people beyond just fidgetiness, hyperactivity, and limited attention, says Aimee Daramus, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist. Aimee Daramus The iceberg analogy is meant to show people the full experience of having ADHD, since a lot of it is invisible to others. The comparison helps people understand how the internal experience of ADHD is so different from other people’s lives, in both quality and intensity. — Aimee Daramus This article explores the external characteristics of ADHD vs. the internal experience of people with this type of neurodivergence and suggests some ways to support someone with ADHD. External Characteristics of ADHD ADHD is characterized and diagnosed based on a set of externally visible traits and characteristics that are grouped into two categories, inattention, and hyperactivity. Inattention These are some of the characteristics of inattention a person with ADHD may display: Difficulty paying attention Tendency to get distracted and leave tasks unfinished Avoidance of tasks that require prolonged attention Lack of attention to detail Difficulty following conversations and instructions Poor time management and organization skills Forgetfulness Tendency to lose things Living With ADHD: Strategies for Well-Being Hyperactivity These are some of the characteristics of hyperactivity a person with ADHD may display: Squirming or fidgeting while seatedMoving around or standing instead of staying seatedOften feeling restlessConstantly being on the goBeing loud while participating in activitiesTalking a lotFinishing others’ sentencesAnswering questions before they’ve been completedHaving difficulty waiting for one’s turn patientlyButting in on or interrupting others’ conversations or activities Why Is My Child So Hyper? ADHD vs. High Energy Internal Experiences of ADHD The external symptoms of ADHD are behaviors that others see. However, they are merely a fraction of the ADHD experience. According to Dr. Daramus, the internal experience of ADHD can include: Emotional dysregulation: People with ADHD may have trouble managing and expressing strong emotions. Mood swings: ADHD can cause people to experience fluctuations in mood. Decision paralysis: Decision-making requires a number of skills and can be challenging for people with ADHD, causing them to experience decision paralysis. Executive dysfunction: Because ADHD brains process information differently, people with ADHD may struggle with executive functioning tasks like planning ahead, organizing things, or anticipating consequences. While tasks like doing taxes or planning a wedding are hard for most people, they can be significantly more challenging for people with ADHD. Motivation problems: People with ADHD have lower levels of dopamine in the brain, which leads to lower motivation levels. As a result, they may be less likely to take initiative or to complete tasks, as they may not always be rewarded with the rush of satisfaction one feels upon completing a task. Frustration: People with ADHD may often experience restlessness and boredom and have a low frustration tolerance. Hypersensitivity: People with ADHD may experience emotions more intensely and may be more sensitive to criticism. They may also be more prone to feeling overwhelmed by sensory stimuli. Time blindness: Most people develop an innate sense of time. However, people with ADHD may experience time blindness, resulting in a distorted sense of time. Discouragement: ADHD can cause people to struggle with work, academics, and relationships, which can be extremely discouraging. They may often feel ashamed or embarrassed about who they are. Low self-esteem: Being unable to meet expectations—others and one’s own—despite best efforts can lead to a persistent sense of failure and low self-esteem. Disciplinary issues: People often mistake ADHD for disciplinary issues. However, this is due to the fact that expectations are centered around neurotypical society, and people with ADHD are not accommodated and supported appropriately. Complications: People with ADHD are more likely to have mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, and learning disabilities. These conditions can add to the difficulties of living with ADHD. Like a lot of disorders, each individual with ADHD experiences a different mix of these and other challenges, says Dr. Daramus. ADHD Strengths It is important to recognize that while ADHD may have hidden challenges, people with ADHD brains also have many strengths. Such strengths can also be part of the ADHD iceberg, since these capabilities are often unappreciated or not supported. ADHD is a form of neurodivergence. Many of the challenges people experience are caused by the fact that we live in a society made for neurotypical people. Some of the strengths that people with ADHD possess include: High energy levelsCreativitySpontaneitySelf-awarenessResilienceConversational skillsEnthusiasmEmpathyPersistence What Are the Benefits of Having ADHD? Supporting Someone With ADHD If someone in your life has ADHD, it’s important to understand that the traits you’re seeing are merely the tip of the iceberg; they’re probably going through a lot that you’re unaware of. Below, Dr. Daramus shares some tips that can help you support someone with ADHD. Try to Understand the Person's Experience It’s important to make an effort to understand the person’s internal experiences so you can figure out how to support them. However, you might not be able to just ask them what's going on inside of them, as not everyone can express it. You can try showing them the ‘ADHD iceberg’ and have them tell you which of those problems they experience. Alternatively, there are also checklists you can use. You can ask the person to tell you which of the characteristics they experience. Some people with ADHD can also express themselves through story, character, or fandom. You can ask them about their favorite characters or stories that relate to their experiences. Take a Holistic Approach ADHD support is focused on the parts of the condition that are inconvenient for parents, teachers, or bosses. Aimee Daramus, PsyD One of the most important messages of the ‘ADHD iceberg’ is that you can't just treat the visible symptoms, the ones that are inconvenient to others. It’s equally important to understand the person’s internal experiences that are below the surface of the iceberg and help manage those. — Aimee Daramus, PsyD It’s important to seek treatment from a qualified professional, preferably one who specializes in supporting ADHD, or has ADHD themselves, as they may be better equipped to understand the internal experiences someone with ADHD may have. Be Kind and Patient You may never fully understand the experience of someone with ADHD, so it’s important to be kind and patient. Accommodating and supporting the individual so that they can flourish is essential. For instance, if you have a child who has ADHD and is throwing a tantrum, rather than getting angry, upset, or frustrated with them, remind yourself that they are probably a lot more frustrated with their difficulties than you are. Focus on staying calm and figuring out how to support their needs in the situation. A Word From Verywell ADHD can have challenges, but it is important to be aware that many of these challenges stem from a lack of adequate support and neurotypical-centered expectations. While ADHD is diagnosed based on a set of observable external symptoms, the ‘ADHD iceberg’ helps demonstrate that the person may be going through a lot more than that. It’s essential to keep this in mind and offer the person support for their internal experiences as well. Finding a Doctor and Help for Adult ADHD 13 Sources Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Symptoms and diagnosis of ADHD. National Institute of Mental Health. ADHD in children and teens. Shaw P, Stringaris A, Nigg J, Leibenluft E. 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Her work spans various health-related topics, including mental health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. See Our Editorial Process Meet Our Review Board Share Feedback Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! What is your feedback? Helpful Report an Error Other Submit