Coping With Teraphobia or the Fear of Monsters

Korean girl looking under bed with flashlight
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Teraphobia, the fear of monsters, is common in pre-school-age children. It generally lessens during the early elementary years and is highly uncommon by the time a child reaches middle school. In teens and adults, the fear of monsters is a rare but potentially life-limiting phobia.

Fears are a normal, healthy part of childhood development. They help children learn to make sense of the world around them and develop coping skills to last a lifetime. For this reason, phobias are generally not diagnosed in kids under the age of 18 unless they last for more than six months and cause clinically significant distress or impairment.

There is nothing wrong with your child being afraid of monsters.


In children, the fear of monsters often takes a nonspecific form. Rather than fearing Frankenstein, Dracula, or Godzilla, the child is afraid that "a monster" lives under their bed or in their closet. Nonetheless, asking the child to draw a picture of the monster may provide clues to an environmental trigger. Some drawings could resemble a TV cartoon character, a kidnapper who appeared on the evening news or even a neighbor whom the kids in the neighborhood refer to as "creepy."

In these cases, limiting the child's exposure may help lessen the fear.

Treatment in Children

There are a number of things that parents can do to help lessen their children's fear of monsters. Some ideas include:

  • "Monster repellant:" Some parents use "monster spray" to help their kids battle this fear. Consider using a spray bottle—empty, partially filled with colored water, or an aromatherapy spray—in a nightly ritual. Spray the closet, under the bed, and anywhere else that your child thinks the monster might be hiding. Be sure not to use anything that might be harmful to the child or damage to fabrics or paint.
  • Comforting routines: Encourage soothing bedtime routines to calm the child's nerves. A warm bath, a glass of water, and a bedtime story promote relaxation and a soothing sleeping environment. If the child is afraid of the dark, consider providing a nightlight. Sleeping with a family pet might also provide a feeling of protection.
  • Reward "brave" behavior: Some kids thrive on the attention their fears draw, so refocus your attention. Provide a brief "monster check" (and spray ritual, if desired) and then leave the room. Use stickers or other markers to track the nights that the child stays in bed all night without calling you into her room. When a week's worth of stickers has been collected, allow the child to trade them in for a favorite treat, such as a trip to the park or a batch of cookies.
  • Respect and reassurance: Never laugh at the child's fear, use fear as a threat to deter bad behavior, or belittle them for having the fear. Show respect and sensitivity for their feelings while reassuring them that everything will be fine.

Teens and Adults

In older kids and adults, the fear of monsters usually takes a more specific form. Horror movies are frequently responsible for many short-lived fears, especially if watched right before going to bed. These fears generally persist for only a few nights and are often eased by sleeping with a light on and pursuing mild distractions, such as watching light, comedic television. If the fear lasts for more than a few nights, it may be an early sign of a true phobia.

A more persistent monster phobia may be rooted in religious or cultural fears. The fear may be generalized or it may be of a specific type of creature such as vampires, zombies, or ghosts. The fear of witchcraft is sometimes related to the fear of monsters. These phobias are often based on a blend of superstitions, urban legends, and religious teachings.

For many people, knowledge is power. Studying ancient and modern myths about the feared monsters, particularly the science behind the legends, is often enough to curb milder fears. For more intense phobias, professional assistance may be required.

An untreated monster phobia could worsen over time. Social isolation is a possibility, particularly for teens, whose friends may see the fear as babyish or ridiculous.

Many teens thrive on legend trips, in which they go out in a group to face down nearby urban legends and horror movie marathons are a staple of teen nightlife. Kids who are afraid to participate are at risk of being mocked and shunned.

Treatment for Adults and Teens

Fortunately, like all phobias, monster phobia responds well to a variety of treatments. Because they are often based on other fears, it is important to decide on your primary goals of therapy.

  • Do you believe that you may be harmed by a monster?
  • Are you concerned about evil entities?
  • Do you simply want to be able to enjoy scary movies and Halloween events with your friends?
  • Are you concerned that your child might pick up your fears?

The answers to these and other questions will help direct your choice of treatment. For example, if your fear of monsters is rooted in your religious or spiritual beliefs, your therapist might suggest spiritual counseling with your religious leader instead of, or in addition to, traditional therapeutic techniques.

Traditional techniques may include cognitive behavioral therapy or exposure therapy, in which you are exposed to the object of your fear, but in a safe setting, to help you understand that it won't harm you. In some cases, medication may be used to help treat symptoms—such as anxiety—you may feel as a result of a phobia. A mental health professional can help discuss these options with you.

13 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Taming the monsters: Helping kids deal with their fears. Paediatr Child Health. 2001;6(3):165-8. doi:10.1093/pch/6.3.165

  2. Hendrikson E. Kid fears in adults: the dark and other phobias. Scientific American.

  3. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Anxiety, fears, and phobias.

  4. Boston Children's Hospital. Phobias symptoms & causes.

  5. Krisch JA. Fatherly. How monsters under the bed became a common childhood fear.

  6. Parenting. Ask Dr. Sears: mashing monster fears.

  7. Seattle Children's Hospital. Nighttime fears.

  8. Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Bedtime fears: helping overcome them.

  9. American Academy of Pediatrics. Understanding childhood fears and anxieties.

  10. Marotta LL. Ask the experts: kids and scary movies. Metro Family Magazine.

  11. De oliveira-souza R. Phobia of the supernatural: a distinct but poorly recognized specific phobia with an adverse impact on daily living. Front Psychiatry. 2018;9:590. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00590

  12. Carpenter JK, Andrews LA, Witcraft SM, Powers MB, Smits JAJ, Hofmann SG. Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and related disorders: A meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. Depress Anxiety. 2018;35(6):502-514. doi:10.1002/da.22728

  13. Burstein M, Georgiades K, He JP, et al. Specific phobia among U.S. adolescents: phenomenology and typology. Depress Anxiety. 2012;29(12):1072-82. doi:10.1002/da.22008

Additional Reading

By Lisa Fritscher
Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics.